Document Type
- Article (12)
- Working Paper (2)
- Book (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (15)
This study focuses on learning with the Global Change app, an interactive tool for fostering climate change knowledge. Numerous studies have contributed to the question on what type of instruction is best to achieve learning gains. The findings are mixed. We applied the app in university courses and investigated which instructional setting a discovery learning approach (no supplementary guidance) or an approach that leans more toward direct instruction is more effective (+ supplementary guidance). Thus, we distinguished between conceptual and procedural guidance within our direct instruction approach. Our study was implemented in a digital learning environment with 110 students participating in the study. We applied a 2 × 2 experimental design with different types of guidance as treatment (conceptual and procedural). An online questionnaire was administered in pretest and posttest to measure climate change knowledge as well as different variables. Our results show that the app provided gains in climate change knowledge in a short period of time regardless of treatment. Further, students who received no supplementary guidance acquired more knowledge about climate change than the groups that received supplemental guidance (either conceptual, procedural, or both). Learning gain correlated significantly negatively with cognitive load across the whole sample, but there were no significant differences between groups. This finding might be interpreted in terms of the renowned expertise reversal effect
Sustainability competence is an important goal of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in school. It is therefore anchored in the education plans of almost all school tracks in Germany. However, empirical findings regarding ESD in schools are scarce. The present study thus examined how sustainability competencies of secondary-school students develop within the course of a school year. Based on a proposed framework model of sustainability competencies, we assessed (a) students’ sustainability-related knowledge, (b) their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability, as well as (c) their self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions. Our sample comprised n = 1318 students in 79 classrooms at different secondary school tracks (Grades 5–8) in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany). Measurements were taken at the beginning and at the end of the school year after the introduction of ESD as a guiding perspective for the new education plan. We observed an increase in students’ sustainability-related knowledge but a decline in their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability over the course of one school year. Multilevel analyses showed that, at the individual level, prior learning requirements as well as ESD-related characteristics (students’ activities and general knowledge of sustainability) proved to be the strongest predictors of their development. In addition, grade- and track-specific differences were observed. At the classroom level, teachers’ attitudes towards ESD as well as their professional knowledge were found to be significant predictors of students’ development. The higher the commonly shared value of ESD at school and the higher teachers’ self-efficacy towards ESD, the higher was the students’ development of sustainability-related knowledge and self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions, respectively. The significance of the findings for ESD in schools is discussed.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been a task assigned to schools and universities since the mid-1990s. This global movement spawned ESD research in numerous fields, including, among others, didactics and educational sciences, as well as sustainability sciences. In this article, we analyze the state of research on reliable recommendations of means (more precisely, teaching and learning methods and procedures) to promote the ESD goals. Within the framework of systematic literature analysis, we compared and evaluated 17 scientific publications from the field of ESD. Using qualitative content analysis, we scanned the 17 articles for recommendations of means of ESD and the cited evidence for their effectiveness. The findings show two groups of recommended means, differing particularly in the degree of learner autonomy and the quality of evidence for their effectiveness. We discuss possible tasks that can be derived from these findings for didactic research on ESD, and we make a suggestion for further teaching action.
Video cases are commonly used in teacher education to support evidence-based professional knowledge acquisition. Novice teachers, however, often struggle when learning with video, since they lack professional knowledge schemata that facilitate noticing and reasoning about relevant events. Scripted video case development provides an approach to make relevant events more salient and visible. In alignment with previously reported approaches, we applied relevant design steps and quality criteria within the presented project to promote use in further research. Thereby, we introduce the novel approach of using mock-up settings as a way to identify naturalistic behavior as a basis for script development. User experience (UX) evaluations based on defined quality criteria of realistic experiences (i.e., authenticity), personal relevance (i.e., utility value), engagement (i.e., situational interest), and challenge (i.e., cognitive load) were carried out in a set of four studies including N = 423 teacher students. Findings support the conclusion that our design approach resulted in the development of high-quality scripted video cases for further use in initial teacher education.
Die aktuellen Diskussionen um die Fachspezifität von Unterrichtsqualität und die Erweiterung der Basisdimensionen für Unterrichtsqualität sind aus unserer Perspektive zeitgemäß, qualitätsvoll und lassen einen großen Mehrwert für die Unterrichtsforschung erwarten. Mit Bezug zu einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt zur Optimierung von Videoartefakten für die Lehrer*innenbildung wird in unserem Beitrag herausgearbeitet, dass Unterrichtsqualität vor allem von den im Unterrichtsprozess umgesetzten Lehr- und Lernaktivitäten abhängt. Angehende Lehrpersonen sollten zwischen qualitätsvollen und weniger qualitätsvollen Lehr‑/Lernaktivitäten unterscheiden können. Wir plädieren für die verstärkte forschungsbezogene Entwicklung von Unterrichtsartefakten, anhand derer das optimale Zusammenwirken fachspezifischer und fächerübergreifender Unterrichtsmerkmale modelliert und empirisch geprüft werden kann. Über einen solchen Ansatz ließe sich die Frage nach fachspezifischen und fächerübergreifenden Qualitätsmerkmalen auf der Basis konkreter Unterrichtspraktiken weiter klären. Im Ausblick schlagen wir vor, für die Lehrer*innenbildung Standardsituationen für Qualitätsmerkmale von Fachunterricht zu definieren.
Fachlich wenig anschlussfähige Schülervorstellungen können den Aufbau fachlich gültiger ökologischer Konzepte im Biologieunterricht beeinträchtigen, wenn Lehrkräfte diese im Unterrichtsverlauf nicht diagnostizieren und angemessen darauf reagieren. Unterrichtsbegleitende Diagnosen von Äußerungen der Schülerinnen und Schüler müssen häufig spontan („on-the-fly“) erfolgen. Es wäre wünschenswert, bereits angehende Lehrkräfte auf diese herausfordernde Aufgabe vorbereiten zu können. In einem experimentellen Prä-Posttest-Design (N = 36) wurden in dieser Studie Einflüsse auf den Erwerb von Fertigkeiten zur Diagnose von Schülervorstellungen untersucht. Hierfür wurden verschiedene Merkmale fallbasierter Lernsettings systematisch variiert (Video vs. Text/unterschiedliche Arten von Schülervorstellungen). Ein Training an Fallmedien erwies sich für bestimmte Diagnoseinhalte als effektiv im Vergleich zu einer Vermittlung diagnostischen Wissens ohne fallbasiertes Training. Unerheblich schien zu sein, ob als Fallmedium Video- oder Textvignetten verwendet wurden. Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass die Fertigkeiten zur Diagnose im Wesentlichen inhaltsspezifisch erworben werden. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich der Entwicklung von Fördermaßnahmen in der Lehrerbildung diskutiert.
Im Forschungszentrum ReCCE (Research Center for Climate Change Education and Education for Sustainable Development) werden Voraussetzungen, Prozesse und Ergebnisse von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Klimabildung in der formalen und non-formalen Bildung untersucht. In diesem Papier soll das Forschungsverständnis geklärt, wichtige Forschungsgegenstände skizziert und Qualitätskriterien für die empirische Arbeit bestimmt sowie eine Abgrenzung zu anderen pädagogischen Disziplinen vorgenommen werden.
Im Forschungszentrum ReCCE (Research Center for Climate Change Education and Education for Sustainable Development) werden Voraussetzungen, Prozesse und Ergebnisse von Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und Klimabildung in der formalen und non-formalen Bildung untersucht. In diesem Papier soll das Forschungsverständnis geklärt, wichtige Forschungsgegenstände skizziert und Qualitätskriterien für die empirische Arbeit bestimmt sowie eine Abgrenzung zu anderen pädagogischen Diziplinen vorgenommen werden.
An Epistemic Network Approach to Teacher Students’ Professional Vision in Tutoring Video Analysis
Video-based training offers teacher students approximations of practice for developing professional vision (PV; i.e., noticing and reasoning) of core teaching practices. While much video analysis research focuses on whole-classroom scenarios, for early PV training, it is unclear whether the focused instructional context of tutoring could be an appropriate and potentially supportive design element. The present study describes 42 biology teacher students’ performance on a tutoring video analysis task. With qualitative content analysis, we investigated how teacher students describe and interpret noticed tutoring events, with particular reference to research-informed PV indicators. With epistemic network analyses, we explored co-occurrences of PV indicators across teacher students’ six video analysis responses, contrasting low and high quality description and interpretation network models, respectively. We found that teacher students’ skills paralleled previous PV literature findings on novices (e.g., vague, general pedagogy descriptions). Yet, unexpectedly, some teacher students demonstrated aspects of higher sophistication (e.g., describing individual students, making multiple knowledge-based interpretations). Findings suggest tutoring is a powerful context for showing tutor-student interactions, making it suitable for initial teacher students’ PV training. Moreover, results offer hints about the range of teacher students’ PV mental models and highlight the need for more support in content-specific noticing and reasoning. Nevertheless, tutoring representations within PV video analysis training may offer teacher students support in student-centered attention and knowledge-oriented focus.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a core element of UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Target 4.7, which seeks to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development through education for sustainable development. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) followed suit in 2015 and launched a high scale national monitoring of the current state of ESD implementation. In this context, suitable ESD indicators should be analyzed to inform policy and research agendas. The present project is part of the national monitoring within Germany’s Global Action Program (GAP) actions. The research team at the University of Education in Freiburg conducted a study to evaluate the accessibility of data and the measurability of ESD-relevant teacher training (TT). During the two-step procedure for data collection on ESD-relevant TTs in Germany, an extensive list of ESD related search terms first captured 66,935 TTs with possible ESD relevance in the evaluation period. Second, the collected data was analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis. The 66,935 TTs were thereby reduced to 3818 TTs with different degrees of ESD relevance. The results of the evaluation study show that suitable ESD indicators, the FESD (formula for the ESD-indicator for TTs) (basic), FESD (basic, rated) and FESD (pro), could be developed and calculated for 15 of 16 federal states in Germany. The gathered insights show a path towards ESD monitoring in TT to clarify the needs and achievements of ESD implementation in the field of continuing education of teachers. However, the presented indicators only show a possible path for ESD indicator development. A comprehensive set of ESD indicators should also focus on the micro or output (e.g., ESD competencies) level. These insights for the future seem worth striving for not only in Germany or on the national level but also internationally to foster ESD, Target 4.7 of the SDGs and the SDGs in general.