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- Achievement gaps (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (1)
- Bildungsplan (1)
- COVID-19 pandemic (1)
- COVID-19-Pandemie (1)
- Cognitive development (1)
- Distance education (1)
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (1)
- Fernunterricht (1)
Educational settings such as classrooms provide important opportunities for social learning through interactions with peers. Our paper addresses the research question of whether and to what extent classroom composition characteristics make a difference. We carried out multilevel analyses based on a sample of n = 791 students in 48 classrooms (grades 5 – 7) in inclusive lower-secondary comprehensive schools in Baden-Württemberg (Germany). 22.6 % of the variance in students’ reciprocal friendship nominations were attributable to classroom-level differences. A higher average socioeconomic status and, respectively, a lower percentage of immigrant students negatively affected the number of reciprocal friendship nominations within classrooms. These results indicate that more privileged classroom settings can be related to less dense friendship networks of students. Our findings can be understood as an impulse to consider contextual factors when evaluating and addressing the social structure of classrooms in research and practice.
Sustainability competence is an important goal of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in school. It is therefore anchored in the education plans of almost all school tracks in Germany. However, empirical findings regarding ESD in schools are scarce. The present study thus examined how sustainability competencies of secondary-school students develop within the course of a school year. Based on a proposed framework model of sustainability competencies, we assessed (a) students’ sustainability-related knowledge, (b) their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability, as well as (c) their self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions. Our sample comprised n = 1318 students in 79 classrooms at different secondary school tracks (Grades 5–8) in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany). Measurements were taken at the beginning and at the end of the school year after the introduction of ESD as a guiding perspective for the new education plan. We observed an increase in students’ sustainability-related knowledge but a decline in their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability over the course of one school year. Multilevel analyses showed that, at the individual level, prior learning requirements as well as ESD-related characteristics (students’ activities and general knowledge of sustainability) proved to be the strongest predictors of their development. In addition, grade- and track-specific differences were observed. At the classroom level, teachers’ attitudes towards ESD as well as their professional knowledge were found to be significant predictors of students’ development. The higher the commonly shared value of ESD at school and the higher teachers’ self-efficacy towards ESD, the higher was the students’ development of sustainability-related knowledge and self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions, respectively. The significance of the findings for ESD in schools is discussed.
Compared to natives, young adults with an immigrant background are more likely to choose academic education over vocational education and training (VET). Our study investigates ethnic choice effects at different stages of the educational system. Based on longitudinal data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), we found that immigrant youths–when controlling for achievement and social background–were more likely to attend academic tracks in Grade 9, have higher participation rates in academic tracks at the upper-secondary level, are less likely to choose VET after lower-secondary education as well as after upper-secondary education, and switch more often to higher education after achieving an upper-secondary degree. Mediation analyses confirmed that these effects were largely shaped by differences in educational and occupational aspirations. Our study provides detailed insights into the transition pathways at different educational stages and the relevant mechanisms driving migration-specific choice effects. As ethnic choice effects are empirically well documented in international research, our investigation may contribute to a deeper understanding of educational inequalities in other European countries.
Forschungsprojekt der PH Freiburg zur Leitperspektive BNE und die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen.
„BNE soll Lernende befähigen, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und verantwortungsbewusst zum Schutz der Umwelt, für eine funktionierende Wirtschaft und eine gerechte Weltgesellschaft für aktuelle und zukünftige Generationen zu handeln.“ (vgl. Leitperspektive BNE des Bildungsplans 2016 in Baden-Württemberg). Bislang ist jedoch noch wenig darüber bekannt, welche Wirkungen die Einführung der Leitperspektive BNE in Bezug auf die lehrerbezogenen Merkmale sowie die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz(en) (NK) bei Schüler:innen hat. Das Projekt „BNE im Unterricht - Gelingensbedingungen für die Entwicklung von Nach-haltigkeitskompetenz“ (BUGEN) hat sich auf der Basis existierender empirischer Forschung und Methoden (z.B. aus der Umweltpsychologie) zunächst mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie die vorgegebenen Ziele einer BNE konkretisiert und gemessen werden können. Im Zentrum des Forschungsprojekts stand dann die Erfassung von Merkmalen der Lehrkräfte (z. B. BNE-bezogenes Wissen, Motivation, Einstellungen, Umsetzung im Unterricht) und Veränderungen von Merkmalen (kognitive, affektive und verhaltensbezogene) ihrer Schüler/-innen innerhalb eines Schuljahres. Über einen zusätzlichen Vergleich der Lehrkräftemerkmale mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe vor Einführung des neuen Bildungsplans wurden Erkenntnisse über Veränderungen und Gelingensbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche, d.h. sich auf die Kompetenzentwicklung der Schüler*innen auswirkende Implementierung der BNE im Unterricht gewonnen. Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen im Rahmen des Projektes: Rieß et al. 2018; Waltner et al. 2019; Waltner et al. 2020.
After the end of the first Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development, coinciding with ongoing international evaluation processes, questions about the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development programs and assessments continue to be raised. The present study examined Education for Sustainable Development implementation at the local (teachers’) level, assessing what teachers think and know about Education for Sustainable Development and how they implement it in secondary school classes in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. By providing novel data from a teacher survey in 2019, this study revealed that Education for Sustainable Development in some aspects still lacks concrete structural implementation in educational contexts. Using a longitudinal approach, we additionally compared data from an earlier representative assessment in 2007 to the data from 2019. In reference to the preceding evaluation report, the present study showed, for example, that teachers’ attitudes towards Sustainable Development Goals were significantly higher in 2019 compared to 2007. This study provides clarification of the needs and achievements of the Education for Sustainable Development implementation process. In sum, our analysis found that from the teachers’ perspective, more abstract policies are not needed, but instead teachers ask for very concrete support that is close to teaching and the schools’ objectives. The results of our study help, in a larger sense, to navigate society towards a more sustainable direction and towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by highlighting the remaining challenges of these broad objectives.
The relevance of experimentation in natural sciences and the importance of inclusion of all students are widely acknowledged. Successful scientific experimentation in the classroom is based on higher levels of science self-concept and appropriate instructions for completing the experiment. To facilitate the experimentation process, we developed a learning environment for magnetism with minimal barriers, aimed at fostering experimentation and self-concept development in dimensions such as language, visibility, and action. In a study involving 348 students from Grades 5 and 6 from German secondary schools, we investigated how students perceived the learning environment in terms of accessibility, how their self-concept in engaging with experimental instructions developed, and how these two concepts, accessibility and self-concept, are related. The results indicated that the students found the instructions of the digital learning environment to be accessible and showed a significant increase in self-concept when utilizing experimental instructions. It was also shown that the more accessible the students perceived the experimental instructions, the greater the increase in their self-concept with experimental instructions. However, only a small amount of variance was explained. This shows that such a digital learning environment can have positive effects on students, although the remaining open aspects (e.g., the specific support of low-achieving students) are being addressed and should be investigated in the future.
Eine wichtige aktuelle Frage der empirischen Bildungsforschung ist, welchen Einfluss die zur Eindämmung der COVID-19-Pandemie getroffenen gesellschaftlichen Maßnahmen auf die kognitive Entwicklung von Schüler_innen hatten. Damit ist auch die Frage verbunden, ob bildungsbenachteiligte Gruppen von Schüler_innen in Abhängigkeit ihrer individuellen oder familiären Voraussetzungen besondere Nachteile in ihrer kognitiven Entwicklung erlitten haben. Um diesen Fragestellungen nachzugehen, wurden die Daten von 104 Schüler_innen der dritten Schulstufe dreier österreichischer Volksschulen (Primarstufe) hinsichtlich der Entwicklung ihrer kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten in den Bereichen Schlussfolgerndes Denken und Rechnerisches Denken (KFT 1–3; Heller und Geisler 1983) analysiert. Darüber hinaus wurden individuelle Merkmale der Schüler_innen sowie Merkmale ihres häuslichen Umfeldes erfasst. Die Testung der kognitiven Grundfähigkeiten erfolgte zu Beginn und Ende des Schuljahres 2020/21 und damit vor und nach den gesamtgesellschaftlichen und schulischen Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung der zweiten und dritten Corona-Welle in Österreich (u. a. Kontaktbeschränkungen, Schulschließungen, Fernunterricht und Quarantänemaßnahmen). Im Untersuchungszeitraum wäre nach metaanalytischen Befunden der Intelligenzforschung (Rindermann 35 ) altersgemäß eine positive signifikante Entwicklung von Schüler_innen in den durchschnittlichen Testleistungen von etwa d = 0,40 zu erwarten gewesen. Empirisch zeigten sich jedoch keine signifikanten Veränderungen. Dies gilt auch für die Streuungen in den Testleistungen. Gleichzeitig entwickelten sich Kinder aus Elternhäusern mit höherem Bildungshintergrund und jene mit umfassenderer Ausstattung mit digitalen Endgeräten sowie mit Internetzugang signifikant besser. Die Befunde weisen damit darauf hin, dass sich die Kinder in unserer Stichprobe in dem durch pandemieeindämmende Maßnahmen geprägten Schuljahr im Durchschnitt nicht so positiv entwickelt haben, wie dies zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Dabei ist es auch zu Schereneffekten gekommen, die auf kognitive Einbußen bei benachteiligten Schülergruppen hinweisen.