Document Type
- Article (5)
- Book (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
Has Fulltext
- yes (7)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (7)
- Nachhaltigkeit (3)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (2)
- education for sustainable development (2)
- - (1)
- BNE (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) (1)
- Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung <Unterrichtsfach> (1)
- Bildungsplan (1)
- Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) (1)
- Gelingensbedingungen (1)
Sustainability competence is an important goal of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in school. It is therefore anchored in the education plans of almost all school tracks in Germany. However, empirical findings regarding ESD in schools are scarce. The present study thus examined how sustainability competencies of secondary-school students develop within the course of a school year. Based on a proposed framework model of sustainability competencies, we assessed (a) students’ sustainability-related knowledge, (b) their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability, as well as (c) their self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions. Our sample comprised n = 1318 students in 79 classrooms at different secondary school tracks (Grades 5–8) in Baden-Wuerttemberg (Germany). Measurements were taken at the beginning and at the end of the school year after the introduction of ESD as a guiding perspective for the new education plan. We observed an increase in students’ sustainability-related knowledge but a decline in their affective-motivational beliefs and attitudes towards sustainability over the course of one school year. Multilevel analyses showed that, at the individual level, prior learning requirements as well as ESD-related characteristics (students’ activities and general knowledge of sustainability) proved to be the strongest predictors of their development. In addition, grade- and track-specific differences were observed. At the classroom level, teachers’ attitudes towards ESD as well as their professional knowledge were found to be significant predictors of students’ development. The higher the commonly shared value of ESD at school and the higher teachers’ self-efficacy towards ESD, the higher was the students’ development of sustainability-related knowledge and self-reported sustainability-related behavioral intentions, respectively. The significance of the findings for ESD in schools is discussed.
Education for sustainable development (ESD) has been a task assigned to schools and universities since the mid-1990s. This global movement spawned ESD research in numerous fields, including, among others, didactics and educational sciences, as well as sustainability sciences. In this article, we analyze the state of research on reliable recommendations of means (more precisely, teaching and learning methods and procedures) to promote the ESD goals. Within the framework of systematic literature analysis, we compared and evaluated 17 scientific publications from the field of ESD. Using qualitative content analysis, we scanned the 17 articles for recommendations of means of ESD and the cited evidence for their effectiveness. The findings show two groups of recommended means, differing particularly in the degree of learner autonomy and the quality of evidence for their effectiveness. We discuss possible tasks that can be derived from these findings for didactic research on ESD, and we make a suggestion for further teaching action.
"Unsere größte Herausforderung im 21. Jahrhundert ist es, die einstweilen noch abstrakt erscheinende Idee einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung zur Realität für alle Menschen dieser Erde zu machen". Kofi Annan – ehemaliger UN-Generalsekretär (Deutsche UNESCO-Kommission e.V., 2006).
Diese (abstrakte) Idee der nachhaltigen Entwicklung (NE) erfährt aktuell, mit Blick auf die sich verschärfenden globalen Probleme und Krisen, neuen Rückenwind und eine breite Akzeptanz in der Gesellschaft. Bereits einige Jahrzehnte vorher führten globale Umweltprobleme zu zahlreichen Versuchen, Prinzipien der Nachhaltigkeit
festzuschreiben. Insbesondere ab den frühen 70er Jahren konnten für die Umweltpolitik wegweisende Entwicklungen beobachtet werden.
Die Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen über die Umwelt des Menschen in Stockholm (1972) und die Brundtland-Kommission und deren daraus resultierende Berichte (1987) beinhalten die ersten Versuche einer modernen Definition des Begriffs der NE. Trotz der zahlreichen Ansätze, die es heutzutage gibt, um Nachhaltigkeit und NE zu definieren, kann die definitorische Formulierung des Brundtland-Bericht, „Our Common Future“, als eine der universellsten und gebräuchlichsten genannt werden. Sie beschreibt die NE als eine „Entwicklung,die die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart befriedigt, ohne zu gefährden, dass künftige Generationen ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse nicht befriedigen können (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987, S. 41). Doch inwieweit gelang es die Idee der NE vom Papier in die Praxis umzusetzen?
Bereits bei der 1992 stattfindenden UN Konferenz über Umwelt und Entwicklung hielt die damals zwölfjährige Severn Suzuki eine Rede (Cullis-Suzuki, 1992), die in weiten Zügen an die Botschaften der aktuell weitaus bekannteren Greta Thunberg erinnern. Welche Entwicklungsschritte konnten in der Zeit zwischen den beiden Appellen der „jungen Generation“ an die Entscheidungsträger:innen in dieser Welt gegangen werden und wo gibt es weiterhin noch großes Handlungspotential?
Um diese sehr globalen und dennoch bedeutsamen Fragen beantworten zu können, bedarf es der genaueren Analyse der jeweiligen nationalen und lokalen Umsetzungen der geforderten Maßnahmen.
Hierfür müssen die zu beurteilenden Analysebereiche auf ihre jeweiligen Teilbereiche heruntergebrochen werden, um Aussagen über die jeweilige Implementierung der Maßnahme treffen zu können.
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a core element of UNESCO’s Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) Target 4.7, which seeks to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development through education for sustainable development. The German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) followed suit in 2015 and launched a high scale national monitoring of the current state of ESD implementation. In this context, suitable ESD indicators should be analyzed to inform policy and research agendas. The present project is part of the national monitoring within Germany’s Global Action Program (GAP) actions. The research team at the University of Education in Freiburg conducted a study to evaluate the accessibility of data and the measurability of ESD-relevant teacher training (TT). During the two-step procedure for data collection on ESD-relevant TTs in Germany, an extensive list of ESD related search terms first captured 66,935 TTs with possible ESD relevance in the evaluation period. Second, the collected data was analyzed using Mayring’s qualitative content analysis. The 66,935 TTs were thereby reduced to 3818 TTs with different degrees of ESD relevance. The results of the evaluation study show that suitable ESD indicators, the FESD (formula for the ESD-indicator for TTs) (basic), FESD (basic, rated) and FESD (pro), could be developed and calculated for 15 of 16 federal states in Germany. The gathered insights show a path towards ESD monitoring in TT to clarify the needs and achievements of ESD implementation in the field of continuing education of teachers. However, the presented indicators only show a possible path for ESD indicator development. A comprehensive set of ESD indicators should also focus on the micro or output (e.g., ESD competencies) level. These insights for the future seem worth striving for not only in Germany or on the national level but also internationally to foster ESD, Target 4.7 of the SDGs and the SDGs in general.
Forschungsprojekt der PH Freiburg zur Leitperspektive BNE und die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen.
„BNE soll Lernende befähigen, informierte Entscheidungen zu treffen und verantwortungsbewusst zum Schutz der Umwelt, für eine funktionierende Wirtschaft und eine gerechte Weltgesellschaft für aktuelle und zukünftige Generationen zu handeln.“ (vgl. Leitperspektive BNE des Bildungsplans 2016 in Baden-Württemberg). Bislang ist jedoch noch wenig darüber bekannt, welche Wirkungen die Einführung der Leitperspektive BNE in Bezug auf die lehrerbezogenen Merkmale sowie die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenz(en) (NK) bei Schüler:innen hat. Das Projekt „BNE im Unterricht - Gelingensbedingungen für die Entwicklung von Nach-haltigkeitskompetenz“ (BUGEN) hat sich auf der Basis existierender empirischer Forschung und Methoden (z.B. aus der Umweltpsychologie) zunächst mit der Frage beschäftigt, wie die vorgegebenen Ziele einer BNE konkretisiert und gemessen werden können. Im Zentrum des Forschungsprojekts stand dann die Erfassung von Merkmalen der Lehrkräfte (z. B. BNE-bezogenes Wissen, Motivation, Einstellungen, Umsetzung im Unterricht) und Veränderungen von Merkmalen (kognitive, affektive und verhaltensbezogene) ihrer Schüler/-innen innerhalb eines Schuljahres. Über einen zusätzlichen Vergleich der Lehrkräftemerkmale mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe vor Einführung des neuen Bildungsplans wurden Erkenntnisse über Veränderungen und Gelingensbedingungen für eine erfolgreiche, d.h. sich auf die Kompetenzentwicklung der Schüler*innen auswirkende Implementierung der BNE im Unterricht gewonnen. Aktuelle Veröffentlichungen im Rahmen des Projektes: Rieß et al. 2018; Waltner et al. 2019; Waltner et al. 2020.
After the end of the first Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development, coinciding with ongoing international evaluation processes, questions about the implementation of the Education for Sustainable Development programs and assessments continue to be raised. The present study examined Education for Sustainable Development implementation at the local (teachers’) level, assessing what teachers think and know about Education for Sustainable Development and how they implement it in secondary school classes in Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany. By providing novel data from a teacher survey in 2019, this study revealed that Education for Sustainable Development in some aspects still lacks concrete structural implementation in educational contexts. Using a longitudinal approach, we additionally compared data from an earlier representative assessment in 2007 to the data from 2019. In reference to the preceding evaluation report, the present study showed, for example, that teachers’ attitudes towards Sustainable Development Goals were significantly higher in 2019 compared to 2007. This study provides clarification of the needs and achievements of the Education for Sustainable Development implementation process. In sum, our analysis found that from the teachers’ perspective, more abstract policies are not needed, but instead teachers ask for very concrete support that is close to teaching and the schools’ objectives. The results of our study help, in a larger sense, to navigate society towards a more sustainable direction and towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by highlighting the remaining challenges of these broad objectives.
Development and Validation of an Instrument for Measuring Student Sustainability Competencies
The importance of education, and ESD in particular, for achieving sustainable development is highlighted in the formulation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since the Brundtland Report (1987) and the Agenda 21 conference in Rio in 1992, many measures and programs have been launched.
However, no widely accepted and validated assessment instruments are currently available to examine the output levels of ESD on the student side as a means to contribute to monitoring the effects of ESD initiatives. Furthermore, connections to the results of empirical educational
research are often lacking. Indeed, operationalization is necessary in order to evaluate actions of fostering ESD. Taking concepts of empirical educational and other relevant research findings (for example, psychology for sustainability) into account, this study develops a reliable and valid approach to measuring sustainability competencies. In this paper, novel data of a first school assessment is presented. One thousand six hundred and twenty-two students (aged from 9 to 16) participated in the survey. The paper-pencil questionnaire covers general (socio-demographic) as well as cognitive, affective, behavioral, application- and curriculum-orientated aspects of sustainability
competencies. The evidence for the validity and reliability of the instrument indicates that the presented assessment tool constitutes a suitable instrument by which to measure sustainability competencies in secondary schools. The gathered insights show a path towards the operationalization
of sustainability competencies to clarify the needs and achievements of ESD implementation
in schools.