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Teachers’ assessment of student thinking is both difficult to attain and essential for responsive teaching in ongoing interaction during science lessons. Principles of practice-based learning provide a basis for the design of learning environments which may equip prospective teachers for this challenging task. In an experimental study ( N = 104), we examined the extent that the use of different media types as representations of practice (video and written cases), the number of rehearsals, and the complexity of student thinking contribute to preservice teachers’ acquisition of assessment skills. Our findings indicated that participants benefited equally well from video and written cases. The number of necessary rehearsals depended on the complexity of student thinking to be assessed. This finding implies that specifics of the content to be assessed need to be taken into consideration when designing learning environments for practicing assessment skills.
To assess individual students’ abilities and misconceptions in mathematics, teachers need diagnostic competencies. Although research has addressed the quality of teachers’ diagnostic competencies in recent years, it is not very clear how to foster these competencies effectively in the course of prospective teachers’ university education. Research suggests that simulations with instructional support are promising tools for fostering complex competencies. We have developed a simulation that aims at measuring and fostering prospective primary school teachers’ competencies to assess students’ mathematical abilities and misconceptions based on their written task solutions. In this study, we analysed data from prospective primary school mathematics teachers who used one of three different versions of the simulation. Two versions contained a specific type of scaffolding, while the third version did not contain scaffolding. Specifically, the two scaffolding types were content-related scaffolding that emphasized the use of specific pedagogical content knowledge, and strategic scaffolding that emphasized diagnostic activities. The results suggest that integrating scaffolding into the simulation did not substantially influence participants’ overall perception of the simulation regarding presence, authenticity, or perceived cognitive load. Compared to participants in a control group without intervention, participants who used the simulation with scaffolding had higher diagnostic accuracy regarding overall assessment of students’ competence level. However, only content-related scaffolding but not strategic scaffolding or no scaffolding tended to improve participants’ competence in identifying students’ specific misconceptions. The results provide a first empirical basis for further development of the simulation.
Fostering student motivation is an important educational goal. However, motivation in the classrooms is rather heterogeneous, particularly in mathematics and physics. This study examines the potential of (textbook) tasks to promote student motivation. Based on self-determination theory (SDT) and theory of interest , a low-inference coding scheme was developed and validated by applying the framework of item response theory (IRT) to assess the motivational potential of tasks. Current ninth grade mathematics and physics tasks ( N = 254 task units) were analyzed using the categories differentiated instruction, real-life context, autonomy support, competence support , and support for relatedness . Additionally, differences between mathematics and physics tasks were examined. Results indicate the coding scheme’s high interrater reliabilities and empirical validity. Furthermore, we found only a low occurrence of motivational features in mathematics and physics tasks, with few subject-specific differences in favor of mathematics. The coding scheme can contribute to optimizing motivation-supportive instructional designs.
IntroductionVaccination readiness refers to psychological motives and beliefs that decisively determine individual and collective vaccination prevention behavior. Readiness to be vaccinated depends on expected individual and social benefits and harms. Differences exist in the perception of the threat of potential influenza vs. COVID-19 infection and its significance for the social environment. The study aimed to compare the 7C components of vaccination readiness for influenza and COVID-19 vaccination in adulthood.MethodsA total of 317 adults answered the 7C vaccination readiness scale in two vaccination-specific versions (influenza vs. COVID-19) in an online survey from September 2022 to March 2023. Data were analyzed using repeated measures, including analysis of covariance, correlations, and multiple regression.ResultsFor COVID-19, there is a higher readiness to be vaccinated compared to influenza regarding complacencyR (ηp = 0.683), constraintsR (ηp = 0.684), collective responsibility (ηp = 0.782), and compliance (ηp = 0.365). However, confidence (ηp = 0.161) and conspiracyR (ηp = 0.256) indicate an enhanced readiness for influenza vaccination (interaction scales × vaccination type: ηp = 0.602). Individual influenza vaccination recommendations and age do not or only marginally moderate these effects (interaction vaccination type × recommendation: ηp = 155).DiscussionThe 7C subscales reveal a differentiated pattern of readiness for the two vaccination types. This emphasizes the relevance of the multidimensional structure of the construct of vaccination readiness as well as the relevance of moderating effects of the respective vaccination type on the underlying motives and beliefs. Vaccination attitudes are influenced by cultural and social conditions as well as medical standards of care. Comparing attitudes to different vaccinations in different countries thus represents an important research desideratum in order to understand the concept of vaccination readiness more comprehensively.
Die Entwicklung des Teile-Ganzes-Konzepts ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die Entwicklung des Zahlbegriffs und das Rechnenlernen und deshalb eine zentrale Aufgabe des arithmetischen Anfangsunterrichts. Das Teile-Ganzes-Konzept wird insbesondere durch das Zerlegen von Zahlen und das numerische Erfassen der Beziehung zwischen Teilen und Ganzem entwickelt. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in einer qualitativen typenbildenden Inhaltsanalyse zwölf Schulbücher der ersten Jahrgangsstufe daraufhin untersucht, in welcher Weise sie Zahlzerlegungen behandeln. Hierfür wurden zunächst die Lerngelegenheiten in den Schulbüchern umfassend kodiert und ausführliche Einzelfallanalysen erstellt. Auf dieser Basis konnten durch Fallvergleiche und Fallkontrastierung vier Typen von Schulbüchern bezüglich der Behandlung von Zahlzerlegungen identifiziert werden, die ein jeweils unterschiedliches Potenzial im Hinblick auf das Rechnenlernen bieten.
The present work reviews and summarizes results of tracing studies up to the present and collects different explanations for found effects of pointing and tracing while learning as an effective touch-based action method. Two explanations are focused finally in order to test them in the presented eye-tracking study. The study ( N = 90) with a three-group experimental design investigated whether learners benefit from pointing compared to learners using tracing or no-touch-based action method (pointing vs. tracing vs. no touch). The results replicate previous findings demonstrating benefits of using the hands for learning and provide additional support for the hypothesis that fingers support learning by directing attention. This is due to the fact that the learning group using pointing outperformed, especially in comprehension performance, the no-touch learning group and the learning group that used tracing actions. Eye-movement analysis indicated that the pointing group profited from a higher focus of visual attention and more intense cognitive activity. The question of why the tracing group did not show this same benefit is discussed by considering previous studies and the limitations of the present study. It seems as if the present study does not replicate a previous study. However, when reflecting on the different control group design, the present study delivers additional information on how using fingers affects learning. Moreover, new perspectives with explanations from the review are integrated for interpreting and discussing the presented results and opened herewith for further research on touch-based actions in the frame of movement and learning.
Teachers’ ability to accurately judge difficulties of mathematical tasks is an essential aspect of their diagnostic competencies. Although research has suggested that pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is positively correlated with the accuracy of diagnostic judgments, experimental studies have not been conducted to investigate how PCK affects perception and interpretation of relevant task characteristics. In an intervention study with a control group, 49 prospective mathematics teachers judged the difficulty of 20 tasks involving functions and graphs while an eye tracker tracked their eye movements. Some of the tasks included characteristics well known to be difficult for students. Participants’ domain-specific PCK of typical student errors was manipulated through a three-hour intervention, during which they learned about the most common student errors in function and graph problems. We found that the process of perception (relative fixation duration on the relevant area in the tasks) was related to judgment accuracy. Pre-post comparisons revealed an effect of the intervention not only on participants’ domain-specific PCK of typical student errors but also on their perception and interpretation processes. This result suggests that domain-specific PCK of typical student errors allowed participants to focus more efficiently on relevant task characteristics when judging mathematical task difficulties. Our study contributes to our understanding of how professional knowledge makes teachers’ judgment processes of mathematical tasks more efficient.
Im Sinne einer subjektivierungstheoretisch ausgerichteten Übergangsforschung werden in diesem Beitrag organisationale Praktiken schulischer Übergänge und die mit diesen verbundenen Formen der Adressierung neu zugewanderter Jugendlicher zu deren subjektiv erlebten Handlungsmöglichkeiten oder auch -beschränkungen in Beziehung gesetzt. Ziel ist es hierbei, das subjektivierende Potenzial einer organisationalen Gestaltung schulischer Übergänge zu erfassen. Untersuchungsgegenstand sind die bildungsbiographisch höchst relevanten schulischen Übergänge neu zugewanderter Jugendlicher. Unter Bezug auf eine laufende ethnographische Studie werden anhand eines Fallbeispiels Subjektivierungsprozesse nachgezeichnet, die sich im Spannungsfeld zwischen einer sozialisationsbedingt erworbenen bildungsaffinen meritokratischen Haltung und machtvollen organisationalen Zuweisungspraktiken vollziehen. Auf dieser Grundlage wird abschließend auch auf das spezifische Potenzial des gewählten methoden- und perspektivenpluralen Zuganges für eine Analyse des Zusammenspiels einer strukturellen und organisationalen Ebene und der Subjektebene bei Subjektivierungsprozessen eingegangen.
Studien zeigen, dass der didaktisch angeregte Vergleich von Beispielen sowohl den Erwerb von Wissen als auch die Fähigkeit zum Transfer fördert. Offen ist allerdings, wie Schülerinnen und Schüler didaktisch initiierte Vergleichsprozesse in Lern- und in Transfersituationen nutzen und wie ihnen dabei das In-Beziehung-Setzen von tiefenstrukturell relevanten Merkmalen (Mapping) zwischen den Beispielen gelingt. In der vorliegenden Studie werden solche Mappingprozesse von Grundschulkindern untersucht; dazu wurde mit 26 Kindern der zweiten Jahrgangsstufe ein halbstrukturiertes Einzelinterview durchgeführt. Dieses beinhaltete eine Lern- und eine Transfersituation; in jeder Situation dienten zwei Phänomene zum Hebelgesetz als Beispiele. Das Interview wurde videografiert, um sprachliche und gestische Handlungen der Kinder zu erfassen. Die Äußerungen der Kinder zu einem offenen Impuls sowie zu anschließenden fokussierten Impulsen wurden transkribiert und sowohl entlang deduktiv angelegter als auch induktiv entwickelter Kategorien mithilfe der inhaltlich strukturierenden Inhaltsanalyse ausgewertet. Die Befunde zeigen, dass der Mehrzahl der Schülerinnen und Schüler bereits bei einem offenen Impuls das Mapping auf tiefenstruktureller Ebene gelingt. Auch gelingt es den meisten, in einer auf die Lernsituation folgenden Transferaufgabe gemeinsame Elemente zwischen den Beispielen zu benennen bzw. einen Distraktor als solchen zu erkennen. Die Daten zeigen zudem, dass die Qualität des Mappings durch gezielte Impulse verbessert werden kann. Die Befunde werden anhand von Interviewausschnitten der Kinder illustriert und abschließend diskutiert.
Dem Sachunterricht kommt aufgrund seiner naturwissenschaftlich-technischen und sozio-kulturellen Anteile eine besondere Rolle bei der Umsetzung von Bildung für Nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) und Klimabildung (KB) zu. Sachunterrichtsbücher bieten als inhaltlich fundierte und didaktisierte Materialien Orientierung bzgl. der Implementierung der Thematik im Unterricht. Der folgende Beitrag widmet sich der Frage, inwieweit KB bereits in den Sachunterrichtsbüchern in Deutschland verankert ist. Es zeigt sich, dass sich Klimawandel als eigenes Thema kaum in den Sachunterrichtsbüchern findet, was auf mehrere Gründe zurückzuführen ist. Jedoch bieten bereits existierende Themen wie Wetter oder Energie Anknüpfungspunkte für die KB und können entsprechend weiterentwickelt werden.